Julia & delta®

Julia - Un fascio di energia e convinzione. Logopedista e yogini. Il corpo come comunicatore, questo è il mio fascino.

delta® has been an art performer, dancer, choreographer, art director as well as light, stage and S&M artist since the late 70’s. After initial autodidactic experiments with the German expressionist dance of the 1920s, he devoted himself to the Japanese Butoh dance and founded in Berlin in 1988, the first German-Japanese dance company: tatoeba-THÉÂTRE DANSE GROTESQUE con Minako Seki e Yumiko Yoshioka. Dal 1995 è anche curatore insieme a Yumiko Yoshioka the festival internazionale di butoh dance-eXchange e performance Uscita!, which takes place all 4 years at Schloss Broellin/Germany. This year for the 6th time. In 1998, he started to devote himself to interactive dance (lavare i piedi rituali) e incontrato attraverso quello Felix Ruckert con il quale fa squadra dal 2000. Inizialmente ha lavorato come ballerino in diverse esibizioni interattive e fino al 2018 anche come capo amministrativo del Xplore-Festival, schwelle7 e dell'associazione non profit Compagnie Felix Ruckert Berlin eV His many years of private S&M-disposition got in collaboration with Felix Ruckert a new dimension: sadomasochistic rituals developed into an art of sensual communication with artistic and philosophical approach.
As a workshop presenter he is in particular trying to give an understanding of the spirituality behind BDSM as a love play. In his “white” S&M rituals artistic expression and loving devotion merge with the imparting of an intense “pleasure-pain-feeling” for the body and a liberating catharsis for the soul.


La petite Mort et la Joie de Vivre // Il Frustino Miracoloso

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